ممارسة العلاج الطبيعي
Sydney Gentle Care offer services for behavior practitioners that are designed to help people with disabilities. The services are aimed at preventing and reducing the development of challenging behavior with developmental delay and disability The behavior practitioners at Sydney Gentle Care are trained to take a holistic approach to wellness and support people to live a healthy lifestyle They work with clients to identify their strengths and gaps to ensure a good fit Sydney Gentle Care is an NDIS provider, and their services are available to people with disabilities who are eligible for NDIS funding The behavior practitioners at Sydney Gentle Care are trained to provide trauma-informed care in behavioral health services. They use evidence-based practices to support clients with disabilities and their families.

نحن نقدم خدمات لسنوات عديدة ونحن مؤسسة مرخصة لتقديم NDIS في جميع الولايات. لدينا عمال دعم إعاقات مدربين وذوي خبرة.
نحن نعمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع LAC والمشاركين ومنسقي الدعم. لدينا القدرة على الإحالات .

اخصائي تغذيه
Dietitians are experts in food and nutrition. They provide evidence based guidance on how to manage diets and nutrition for different age groups and health conditions. Clients consult dietitians when facing weight changes, diseases and other diet-related health and physical concerns. Dietitians possess extensive knowledge of how food affects the body and which plans will be most effective in achieving dietary goals and improving client health and wellbeing. A dietitian will assess the personalised needs of their client and prepare plans and regimes to improve eating habits, monitor progress and make changes as needed. They are responsible for educating clients on dietary requirements and informing them about the healthiest food choices. Areas of practice: Diabetes (Types 1 and 2) Gastrointestinal diseases (e.g. IBS, IBD) Gout Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Cancer Obesity Celiac disease Pregnancy and breastfeeding diet education Autism and ADHD diet management Gestational Diabetes Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) Hypertriglyceridemia and Hypercholesterolemia Hypertension Food allergies Weight management and malnutrition (underweight or overweight) Training, education and diet management for mental health conditions affecting food choices and eating behaviours (bulimia, anorexia, anxiety and depression, etc.) Treatment types Nutritional screening, needs assessment, training and education Personalised eating plan Nutritional counselling Healthy eating and shopping advice Food label reading and study Multidisciplinary planning We accept: Medicare Bulk Billing NDIS Aged Care Work Cover HICAPS Private

العلاج الطبيعي
Exercise physiotherapy is a branch of individualised physiotherapy that involves designing and implementing individualized safe and effective exercise interventions and programs to prevent, manage, and treat a wide range of medical conditions, injuries, and disabilities. The goal of exercise physiotherapy is to help patients regain strength, mobility, flexibility, balance, and endurance, while also reducing pain, inflammation, and other symptoms. The service facilitates and seeks to optimise health status, function, recovery, and independence. Areas of practice: Acute, sub-acute, or chronic injuries and pain Physical disorders and disabilities Cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory/pulmonary conditions Diabetes Treatment types: Health and risk capacity assessment Exercise trial and testing Functional exercise prescription Manual therapy Stretching and resistance training Endurance and strength training Advice on lifestyle modification to improve health status Location-based modality eg. pool (hydrotherapy), gym, clinic etc. We accept: Medicare Bulk Billing NDIS Aged Care Work Cover Private

علاج النطق
Social work services provided at Sydney Gentle Care focuses on mental health care and support, providing assistance necessary to individuals and their personal capacity to improve their life. Through a variety of methods such as casework, research, assessments, counselling, family & community work, our social workers work in environment with clients, providing interventions to address personal issues and support families. Social workers focus on improving human well-being and addressing any issues that impact welfare. Speech pathologists also assist when individuals have trouble eating and drinking due to swallowing difficulties. English, Persian/Farsi, and Dari providers and interpreters available Areas of practice Speech articulation and language disorders Developmental delays Childhood apraxia of speech Neurological conditions and injuries Swallowing difficulties Stuttering Voice and sensory disorders Cognitive-communication disorders Physical disorders such as cleft lip/palate Neurodiversity and neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, etc.) Treatment types Communication and swallowing/mealtime ability assessment Activities and strategies that can help them achieve their communication and/or swallowing goals Mouth, tongue, lip, and jaw coordination exercises Advice and guidance on alternative and augmentative communication devices and aids, as well as environmental modifications and social communication skills We accept Medicare Bulk Billing: NDIS Aged Care Work Cover Private

التكنولوجيا المساعدة
التكنولوجيا المساعدة هي معدات أو أجهزة تساعدك على القيام بأشياء لا يمكنك القيام بها بسبب إعاقتك. قد تساعدك التكنولوجيا المساعدة أيضًا على القيام بشيء ما بسهولة أو بأمان. نحتاج إلى فهم احتياجاتك من التكنولوجيا المُعينة وكيف ستساعدك التكنولوجيا المُعينة المناسبة على تحقيق أهدافك.
تتضمن التكنولوجيا المساعدة أشياءً مصممة لتحسين حياتك اليومية ومساعدتك على القيام بالأشياء اليومية.
ستحتاج بعض المعدات أو العناصر إلى مستشار AT مؤهل للتحدث معك حول احتياجاتك ووضعك ، والمساعدة في تحديد أنسب AT.
علم النفس
Our psychology service focuses on providing support and interventions to help individuals cope with emotional and psychological challenges. The service promotes effective management of emotional well-being, self-esteem, and social interaction, often through structured talk-based therapy sessions. The service is accessible to all, including people with disabilities or mental health conditions that affect daily function, offering a supportive environment to explore feelings, thoughts, and behaviours and to develop healthier, more effective coping mechanisms. Areas of practice: Depression and anxiety Disruptive, developmental, and dissocial behaviour Mental health disorders Post-traumatic stress disorder Neurodiversity and neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, etc. Treatment types: Psychological assessment Counseling and psychotherapy (Psychodynamic & supportive) Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) Behavioural interventions Personalised treatment development Coping mechanism & strategy development Emotion and expression exploration Individual cognitive, emotional, and social function evaluation Communication and interpersonal skill guidance We accept: Medicare Bulk Billing NDIS Aged Care Work Cover Private
مربي الطفولة المبكرة
Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) or Key workers provide care and support for young children with disabilities or developmental delays. ECEs are trained to provide a nurturing and safe environment that supports the unique needs of each child. The end goal of developmental educators is to help clients achieve full and effective inclusion and participation in society. This is achieved by assessing the individual and their environment; collaborative planning and goal setting; strategic teaching and instruction of daily skills; supporting life transitions; programming, monitoring and evaluation; community education; and capacity building. Areas of practice: Developmental delays Physical impairments that impede functional capacity eg. hearing & speech impairments Disorders relating to impacted mental function Behavioural and personality issues and challenges Intellectual disabilities Neurodiversity and neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, etc.) Services provided: Educational, behavioural, and social development support Behavioural interventions and capacity building Physical therapy exercises Daily life activity support and development Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports Individual Social Skills Development Collaboration with schools and education system for holistic management Parental training and education on skill development and behaviour management We accept: NDIS Private

علاج الأرجل
Podiatry is a specialised healthcare field focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various conditions affecting the feet, ankles, and lower limbs. Podiatrists are health professionals with comprehensive knowledge in anatomy, biomechanics, orthotics, wound care, and nail surgical procedures. Podiatrists often collaborate with general practitioners and other healthcare professionals to provide holistic care and contribute significantly to enhancing mobility, alleviating pain, and preventing future foot-related complications. Areas of practice: Fungal infections Ingrown toenails Calluses Achilles tendinitis Chronic foot pain Plantar fasciitis (heel pain) Ankle pain Sports injuries Athlete’s foot Diabetic foot care Podiatric foot care Treatment types: General podiatric nail and skin care: Nail trimming Corn and callus removal Wart treatment Ingrown toenail treatment (conservative and surgical) Wound management for ulcers and injuries Diabetic foot care: Neurovascular diabetic foot assessments Peripheral vascular disease Neuropathy Ulcer and wound care Diabetic foot education Paediatric foot care: Flat feet, in-toe and out-toe walking Sever’s disease Heel/ankle/knee pain Biomechanical lower limb assessments, and gait analysis Prescription of custom-made foot orthotics to address biomechanical issues Palliative and functional support/devices for the protection and correction of foot abnormalities Treatment of Bunion pain Treatment of Neuromas We accept Medicare Bulk Billing NDIS Aged Care Work Cover HICAPS Private
العلاج بالموسيقى
Music therapy is a form of therapeutic intervention that entails the planning and provision of musical experienced tailored to support the needs and goals of the individual. Facilitated interactive music sessions can provide a myriad of benefits to individuals such as helping with mood regulation and management, improvements to mental health, cognitive wellbeing, social communication, and even physical function. It is used to ease pain, stress, and discomfort of those undergoing the therapy. It can also help improve individual attention span, concentration, and self-esteem. Areas of practice: Neurodiversity and neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, etc.) Anxiety and depression Bipolar disorder Personality disorders Schizophrenia Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Physical injuries, disorders, conditions such as hearing, vision, and speech impairments Treatment types: Listening to music played by a music therapist Listening to recorded music Personal music making by playing an instrument or singing Using or writing lyrics and songs Getting resources and activities to do outside of the music therapy session Encouragement of behavioral patterns through musical participation We accept: NDIS Aged Care Private

العلاج النفسي
Our psychology service focuses on providing support and interventions to help individuals cope with emotional and psychological challenges. The service promotes effective management of emotional well-being, self-esteem, and social interaction, often through structured talk-based therapy sessions. The service is accessible to all, including people with disabilities or mental health conditions that affect daily function, offering a supportive environment to explore feelings, thoughts, and behaviours and to develop healthier, more effective coping mechanisms. Areas of practice: Depression and anxiety Disruptive, developmental, and dissocial behaviour Mental health disorders Post-traumatic stress disorder Neurodiversity and neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, etc.

مساعد علاج
Therapy assistants for individuals with disabilities are trained professionals who work alongside licensed therapists to provide support and care for individuals with disabilities. Therapy assistants may work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and private practices. Therapy assistants work under the direction of a licensed therapist to assist in the delivery of therapy services. They may provide hands-on support and guidance to individuals with disabilities during therapy sessions, as well as assist with daily activities and exercises that support the goals of the therapy. The specific tasks and responsibilities of therapy assistants for individuals with disabilities may vary depending on the setting and the needs of the individuals they are working with. Some common tasks may include: Assisting individuals with disabilities with daily activities such as dressing, toileting, and feeding Helping individuals with disabilities perform exercises and activities designed to improve their motor skills and coordination Assisting with range-of-motion exercises and other therapeutic activities prescribed by the therapist Providing emotional support and encouragement to individuals with disabilities during therapy sessions Helping individuals with disabilities develop communication and socialization skills Collaborating with the licensed therapist to develop and modify treatment plans as needed Therapy assistants for individuals with disabilities play a critical role in helping individuals achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. By providing specialized care and support, therapy assistants can help individuals with disabilities develop important skills and abilities, and enhance their overall well-being.
علاج فني
Art therapy uses the medium of art as a means of expression and healing, relying on creative processes such as drawing, painting, and crafts to help individuals explore their thoughts and emotions. Individuals can develop their communication and socialisation skills, improve their cognitive and physical coordination, and cultivate an explorative outlet of creative freedom and expression. The benefits also include sensor-motor function improvement, self-esteem and self awareness fostering, emotional resilience, and stress reduction. Areas of practice: Intellectual disabilities Neurodiversity and neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, etc.) Cerebral palsy Conditions affecting communication, socialisation, and motor skills Mental health diagnoses eg. PTSD, depression, anxiety etc. Treatment types: Creative art activities such as drawing, painting, crafts, terrarium and collage-making Non-traditional art media and material use Coping skill and focus shifting from painful stimulus in the forms of circumstance, trauma, depression, or anxiety Development of non-verbal expression of emotion and thought and safe behavioral management Personal one-on-one sessions as well as group classes available We accept: NDIS Aged Care Private

ممارسة العلاج الطبيعي
ممارسة العلاج الطبيعي هو فرع من فروع العلاج الطبيعي الذي يتضمن تصميم وتنفيذ برامج تمارين فردية لإدارة ومنع مجموعة واسعة من الحالات الطبية والإصابات والإعاقات. الهدف من ممارسة العلاج الطبيعي هو مساعدة المرضى على استعادة القوة والقدرة على الحركة والمرونة والتوازن والتحمل ، مع تقليل الألم والالتهاب والأعراض الأخرى.
يعمل أخصائيو العلاج الطبيعي عن كثب مع المرضى لتطوير خطة علاج شاملة تلبي احتياجاتهم وأهدافهم المحددة. يستخدمون تقنيات مختلفة ، مثل العلاج اليدوي ، والتمدد ، والتدريب على المقاومة ، لتحسين الوظيفة البدنية العامة للمرضى ورفاههم.

ممارسة العلاج الطبيعي
Plan Management is an NDIS service that helps participants to manage their NDIS funds and budgets. The aim of Plan Management is to provide participants with greater choice and control over their supports, while also reducing the administrative burden of managing their funds. Plan Management is delivered by a qualified and experienced Plan Manager who works with the participant to manage their NDIS budget and payments. The Plan Manager acts as a liaison between the participant and their service providers, managing the financial aspects of their NDIS plan and ensuring that their supports are delivered in accordance with their plan. Plan Management can involve a range of activities, including: Budget management: This involves managing the participant's NDIS budget, including processing invoices and payments, managing service agreements, and tracking expenditure against their budget. Provider payment: The Plan Manager will pay the participant's service providers on their behalf, ensuring that their supports are delivered in a timely and efficient manner. Support coordination: The Plan Manager will work with the participant and their service providers to coordinate their supports and ensure that they are meeting their needs. Reporting and record keeping: The Plan Manager will maintain accurate records of the participant's NDIS funds and expenditures, and provide regular reports to the participant on the status of their budget. Advice and support: The Plan Manager will provide advice and support to the participant on all aspects of their NDIS plan, including budget management, service provider selection, and planning for future supports. Overall, Plan Management is designed to provide participants with greater flexibility and control over their NDIS supports, while also reducing the administrative burden of managing their funds. It enables participants to access a wider range of service providers and supports, and to make informed choices about how their NDIS funds are allocated.

ممارسة العلاج الطبيعي
Support Coordination is an NDIS service that helps participants navigate the disability support system and get the most out of their NDIS plan. The aim of Support Coordination is to help participants build the skills and confidence they need to manage their own supports in the long term. Support Coordination is delivered by a qualified and experienced Support Coordinator who works with the participant to identify their goals and needs, develop a plan of action, and connect them with the most appropriate supports and services. The Support Coordinator will also help the participant to understand their NDIS plan and how to use it effectively. Support Coordination can involve a range of activities, including: Assessment and planning: This involves identifying the participant's goals, needs, and strengths, and developing a plan to achieve these goals. Connecting with supports and services: The Support Coordinator will help the participant to find and connect with the most appropriate supports and services, such as disability providers, health professionals, and community organizations. Coordination and management of supports: The Support Coordinator will work with the participant to ensure that their supports are being delivered in accordance with their plan and that any issues are addressed promptly. Capacity building: The Support Coordinator will help the participant to build their skills and knowledge in managing their supports, so that they can eventually take greater control of their own support arrangements. Monitoring and review: The Support Coordinator will regularly review the participant's plan and progress, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that they are getting the most out of their NDIS plan.